Academic, Writing & Research
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In eight of the ten books Concha has authored, as well as many scholarly articles and publications, she describes the empowerment of families, communities, and schools. 

The book titles are:
Culturally Responsive Classrooms; Involving Latino Families in the Schools; The Power of Community; Literacy for Empowerment; Protean Literacy; Crossing Cultural Borders; and School and Society.

In her bestselling book Prickly Cactus: Finding the Sacred Meaning in Chronic Illness, Concha turns the lenses inward and writes about the role of family and community in her life through a serious health crisis.

At a time when Latinos are the largest growing group in the United States, Concha's book Creating a College Culture for Latino Students is a valuable resource and practical guide for educational institutions.

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Wings of a Firebird
The Power of Relationships
in Our Later Years

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Creating a College Culture for Latino Students
Successful Programs, Practices, and Strategies
Delgado, C. (2012)
Corwin Press

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Powells Books

Corwin Press
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prickly Prickly Cactus
Finding Sacred Meaning
in Chronic Illness

Delgado, C. (2009)
Cypress House Press

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Cypress House Press
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BuildingCultural Building Culturally Responsive Classrooms
Delgado Gaitan, C. (2006)
Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press

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Corwin Press
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LatinoFamilySchool Involving Latino Families in Schools
Delgado, C. (2004)
Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press

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Corwin Press
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PowerofCommunity The Power of Community:
Mobilizing for Family and Schooling

Delgado Gaitan, C. (2001)
Denver Rowman and Littlefield

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Rowan and Littlefield

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ProteanLiteracy Protean Literacy:
Extending the Discourse on Empowerment

Delgado Gaitan, C. (1996)
London: Falmer Press

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CrossingCulturalBorders Crossing Cultural Borders:
Education for Immigrant Families in America

Delgado Gaitan, C., & H. Trueba (1991)
London: Falmer

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LiteracyForEmporwerment Literacy for Empowerment:
The Role of Parents in Children's Education

Delgado Gaitan, C. (1990)
London: Falmer Press

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SchoolSociety School & Society:
Learning Content Through Culture
Trueba, H. T., & Delgado Gaitan, C. (Eds.) (1988)
New York: Praeger

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